Extract Metadata of scRNA-seq Datasets in PanglaoDB.
species = NULL,
protocol = NULL,
tissue = NULL,
cell.num = NULL,
show.cell.type = TRUE,
local.data = TRUE
- species
The species of the datasets, choose from "Homo sapiens", "Mus musculus", one or multiple value. Default: NULL (All).
- protocol
Protocol used to generate the datasets, choose from "10x chromium", "drop-seq", "microwell-seq", "C1 Fluidigm", "inDrops", "Smart-seq2", "CEL-seq", one or multiple value. Default: NULL (All).
- tissue
The tissue of the datasets, obtain available values with
. Default: NULL (All).- cell.num
Cell number filter. If NULL, no filter; if one value, lower filter; if two values, low and high filter. Deault: NULL.
- show.cell.type
Logical value, whether to show inferred cell type. Default: TRUE.
- local.data
Logical value, whether to use local data (PanglaoDB is no longer maintained). Default: TRUE.