
An important feature of ggcoverage is the support of customization. This vignette will show how to customize the plot from the following two aspects:

  • customize the elements of existing plot
  • add additional layer to the existing plot

Customize the theme

Inner object

Before we start, let me introduce the internal structure of layers provided by ggcoverage. ggcoverage provides twelve layers, and geom_coverage, geom_protein are based solely on ggplot2, while the others are based on ggplot2 and patchwork.

Modules Type Description Object
geom_coverage Coverage Create genome coverage plot ggplot2
geom_base Annotation Add base, base frequency and amino acid annotations ggplot2, patchwork
geom_cnv Annotation Add CNV annotation ggplot2, patchwork
geom_gc Annotation Add GC content annotation ggplot2, patchwork
geom_gene Annotation Add gene annotation ggplot2, patchwork
geom_transcript Annotation Add gene’s transcripts annotation ggplot2, patchwork
geom_peak Annotation Add peak annotation ggplot2, patchwork
geom_ideogram Annotation Add chromosome ideogram annotation ggplot2, patchwork
geom_tad Annotation Add contact map annotation ggplot2, patchwork
geom_link Annotation Add link annotation ggplot2, patchwork
geom_protein Coverage Create protein coverage plot ggplot2
geom_feature Annotation Add feature annotation for genome/protein coverage ggplot2, patchwork

By the way, all inner themes used are available in theme_ggcoverage.R


# library

Prepare data

# prepare gtf
gtf.file = system.file("extdata", "used_hg19.gtf", package = "ggcoverage") = rtracklayer::import.gff(con = gtf.file, format = 'gtf')

# sample metadata
sample.meta = data.frame(SampleName=c('Chr18_MCF7_ER_1','Chr18_MCF7_ER_2','Chr18_MCF7_ER_3','Chr18_MCF7_input'),
                         Type = c("MCF7_ER_1","MCF7_ER_2","MCF7_ER_3","MCF7_input"),
                         Group = c("IP", "IP", "IP", "Input"))
##         SampleName       Type Group
## 1  Chr18_MCF7_ER_1  MCF7_ER_1    IP
## 2  Chr18_MCF7_ER_2  MCF7_ER_2    IP
## 3  Chr18_MCF7_ER_3  MCF7_ER_3    IP
## 4 Chr18_MCF7_input MCF7_input Input
# track folder
track.folder = system.file("extdata", "ChIP-seq", package = "ggcoverage")
# load bigwig file
track.df = LoadTrackFile(track.folder = track.folder, format = "bw", region = "chr18:76822285-76900000",
                = sample.meta)
# check data
##   seqnames    start      end   score      Type Group
## 1    chr18 76820285 76820400 219.658 MCF7_ER_1    IP
## 2    chr18 76820401 76820700   0.000 MCF7_ER_1    IP
## 3    chr18 76820701 76821000 439.316 MCF7_ER_1    IP
## 4    chr18 76821001 76821300 219.658 MCF7_ER_1    IP
## 5    chr18 76821301 76821600   0.000 MCF7_ER_1    IP
## 6    chr18 76821601 76821900 219.658 MCF7_ER_1    IP
track.df = track.df %>% dplyr::filter(Type %in% c("MCF7_ER_1", "MCF7_input"))
# create mark region
# check data
##      start      end    label
## 1 76822533 76823743 Promoter
# create basic coverage plot
basic.coverage = ggcoverage(data = track.df, color = "auto", range.position = "out",
                            mark.region=mark.region, show.mark.label = FALSE)

Customize ggplot2 object

Customize the plot generated by ggcoverage:

basic.coverage + 
  # add title
  labs(title = "chr18:76,822,285-76,900,000") +
  theme(plot.title=element_text(hjust=0.5)) + 
  # change color
  scale_fill_manual(values = c("MCF7_ER_1"="green", "MCF7_input"="yellow")) + 
  # add rect
      data = data.frame(start = 76840533, end = 76842533),
      aes_string(xmin = "start", xmax = "end", ymin = "0", ymax = "Inf"),
      fill = "red", alpha = 0.6
## Scale for fill is already present.
## Adding another scale for fill, which will replace the existing scale.

Customize patchwork object

patchwork is a ggplot2 extension, which is used to combine separate ggplots into the same graphic.

The example plot:

# get consensus peak file
peak.file = system.file("extdata", "ChIP-seq", "consensus.peak", package = "ggcoverage")
# example plot
chip.coverage = basic.coverage + labs(title = "chr18:76,822,285-76,900,000") +
  theme(plot.title=element_text(hjust=0.5)) +
  geom_gene(, arrow.length = 0.04,arrow.size=0.25,
            gene.size = 0.75,
            utr.size = 1.5,
            exon.size = 2.5,label.size = 2.5, plot.height = 0.3) +
  geom_peak(bed.file = peak.file, plot.height = 0.1) +
  geom_ideogram(genome = "hg19", = 0, plot.height = 0.15)
## Loading ideogram...
## Loading ranges...
## Scale for x is already present.
## Adding another scale for x, which will replace the existing scale.
# get the class of chip.coverage
## [1] "patchwork" "gg"        "ggplot"
# output the plot

The above plot is a nested combination of ggplot2 object. We can obtain the elements (Pay attention to changes in object):

# obtain the track other than ideogram

# class
## [1] "patchwork" "gg"        "ggplot"
# obtain the track other than peak

# class
## [1] "patchwork" "gg"        "ggplot"
# obtain the gene track

# class
## [1] "gg"     "ggplot"
# obtain the peak track

# class
## [1] "gg"     "ggplot"

Add another peak info:

chip.coverage[[1]][[2]] + 
  # the size is the height of segment, controlled by peak.size in geom_peak
      data = data.frame(start = 76840533, end = 76842533),
      aes_string(x = "start", xend = "end", y = "1", yend = "1"),
      color = "red", size = 5

Add additional layer

Obtain the data

To add additional layer, we need to obtain the raw coverage data (for consistency). ggcoverage provides GetPlotData to obtain the data used to plot.

# get coverage data, the layer number is four = GetPlotData(plot = chip.coverage, layer.num = 4)
# inspect data
##   seqnames    start      end   score      Type Group
## 1    chr18 76820285 76820400 219.658 MCF7_ER_1    IP
## 2    chr18 76820401 76820700   0.000 MCF7_ER_1    IP
## 3    chr18 76820701 76821000 439.316 MCF7_ER_1    IP
## 4    chr18 76821001 76821300 219.658 MCF7_ER_1    IP
## 5    chr18 76821301 76821600   0.000 MCF7_ER_1    IP
## 6    chr18 76821601 76821900 219.658 MCF7_ER_1    IP
## 'data.frame':    431 obs. of  6 variables:
##  $ seqnames: Factor w/ 1 level "chr18": 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
##  $ start   : int  76820285 76820401 76820701 76821001 76821301 76821601 76821901 76822201 76822801 76823101 ...
##  $ end     : int  76820400 76820700 76821000 76821300 76821600 76821900 76822200 76822800 76823100 76823400 ...
##  $ score   : num  220 0 439 220 0 ...
##  $ Type    : Factor w/ 2 levels "MCF7_ER_1","MCF7_input": 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
##  $ Group   : chr  "IP" "IP" "IP" "IP" ...

Add layer

Here, I will create a new peak layer as an example (this is a sample example that does not depend on the raw data, but when you use your own data, you should use the raw data as region constraint).

# create pseudo-peak, you can load your peak file instead (be aware of 0-based/1-based)
pseudo_peak = data.frame(chr="chr18", start = 76840533, end = 76842533)
# get region constraint
plot.region.start <-[1, "start"]
plot.region.end <-[nrow(, "end"]

# create plot
peak.plot = ggplot() + 
      data = pseudo_peak,
      aes_string(x = "start", xend = "end", y = "1", yend = "1"),
      color = "red", size = 5
    ) + 
  labs(y="Peak") + 
  theme_peak(margin.len = 0.1, x.range = c(plot.region.start, plot.region.end))

Combine the plot:

# add peak layer
add.peak = patchwork::wrap_plots(chip.coverage[[1]] + theme(plot.margin = margin(t = 0.1, b = 0.1)),
    ncol = 1, heights = c(1, 0.1)

# add ideogram layers
final.plot = patchwork::wrap_plots(add.peak + theme(plot.margin = margin(t = 0.1, b = 0.1)),
    ncol = 1, heights = c(1, 0.1)
