
For large track files, it’s usually time and memory consuming to create coverage plot. ggcoverage provides two memory and time-efficient ways:

  • For bigwig files and bam files that do not require normalization: ggcoverage loads the visualized region specified by users instead of loading the whole files and then extracting the visualized region.
  • For bam files that require normalization: ggcoverage utilizes BiocParallel to perform normalization parallelly.

Load region

Test data

Here, we will load a big BAM file (~27G) from 10x single cell RNA-seq:

ls -lh possorted_genome_bam.bam

#> -rw-r--r--. 1 songyabing wanglab 27G 8月  31 2021 possorted_genome_bam.bam

Load region

## Registered S3 method overwritten by 'GGally':
##   method from   
##   ggplot2
## Possible Ensembl SSL connectivity problems detected.
## Please see the 'Connection Troubleshooting' section of the biomaRt vignette
## vignette('accessing_ensembl', package = 'biomaRt')Error in curl::curl_fetch_memory(url, handle = handle) : 
##   SSL certificate problem: certificate has expired
## Warning: replacing previous import 'ggplot2::annotate' by 'ggpp::annotate' when
## loading 'ggcoverage'
# prepare metadata
sample.meta = data.frame(SampleName=c('possorted_genome_bam'),
                         Type = c("possorted_genome_bam"),
                         Group = c("10x"))
##             SampleName                 Type Group
## 1 possorted_genome_bam possorted_genome_bam   10x
# prepare track folder
track.folder = '~/projects/ggcoverage'
# load the track
# region length: 3631
system.time(track.df <- LoadTrackFile(
  track.folder = track.folder, format = "bam", norm.method = "None",
  region = "chr11:118339075-118342705",
  extend = 0, = sample.meta
## Calculate coverage with GenomicAlignments when norm.method is None!
##  用户  系统  流逝 
## 0.501 0.013 0.615

check the data:

##   seqnames     start       end score                 Type Group
## 1    chr11 118339075 118339075   136 possorted_genome_bam   10x
## 2    chr11 118339076 118339076   169 possorted_genome_bam   10x
## 3    chr11 118339077 118339077   187 possorted_genome_bam   10x
## 4    chr11 118339078 118339078   233 possorted_genome_bam   10x
## 5    chr11 118339079 118339079   257 possorted_genome_bam   10x
## 6    chr11 118339080 118339080   281 possorted_genome_bam   10x

For larger region:

# region length: 203631
  track.folder = track.folder, format = "bam", norm.method = "None",
  region = "chr11:118339075-118542705",
  extend = 0, = sample.meta
## Calculate coverage with GenomicAlignments when norm.method is None!
##  用户  系统  流逝 
## 0.959 0.027 1.000

Create coverage

With the track dataframe, we can generate coverage plot.

# create basic coverage plot
# the running time is very small
system.time(basic.coverage <- ggcoverage(data = track.df, color = "red", 
                                        range.position = "out", show.mark.label = FALSE))
##  用户  系统  流逝 
## 0.048 0.001 0.048

The coverage plot (the bars are relatively dense, and can be viewed more clearly when saved as a PDF):

Parallel normalization

Test data

To test the perfromance, we use three identical bam files from SRR053616.

Data folder for sequential normalization:

# test the sequential normalization
ls -lh ./test

#> total 2.0G
#> -rw-r--r--. 1 songyabing wanglab 3.9M May  26 16:44 SRR054616_rep3.bam.bai
#> -rw-r--r--. 1 songyabing wanglab 3.9M May  26 16:44 SRR054616_rep2.bam.bai
#> -rw-r--r--. 1 songyabing wanglab 3.9M May  26 16:44 SRR054616_rep1.bam.bai
#> -rw-r--r--. 1 songyabing wanglab 646M May  26 16:44 SRR054616_rep3.bam
#> -rw-r--r--. 1 songyabing wanglab 646M May  26 16:44 SRR054616_rep2.bam
#> -rw-r--r--. 1 songyabing wanglab 646M May  26 16:44 SRR054616_rep1.bam

Data folder for parallel normalization:

# test the parallel normalization
ls -lh ./test2

#> total 2.0G
#> -rw-r--r--. 1 songyabing wanglab 3.9M May  26 16:44 SRR054616_rep3.bam.bai
#> -rw-r--r--. 1 songyabing wanglab 3.9M May  26 16:44 SRR054616_rep2.bam.bai
#> -rw-r--r--. 1 songyabing wanglab 3.9M May  26 16:44 SRR054616_rep1.bam.bai
#> -rw-r--r--. 1 songyabing wanglab 646M May  26 16:44 SRR054616_rep3.bam
#> -rw-r--r--. 1 songyabing wanglab 646M May  26 16:44 SRR054616_rep2.bam
#> -rw-r--r--. 1 songyabing wanglab 646M May  26 16:44 SRR054616_rep1.bam

Sequential normalization

# prepare sample metadata
sample.meta = data.frame(SampleName=c('SRR054616_rep1','SRR054616_rep2','SRR054616_rep3'),
                         Type = c("SRR054616_rep1","SRR054616_rep2","SRR054616_rep3"),
                         Group = c("rep1", "rep2", "rep3"))

# track folder
track.folder = "./test"

# run
system.time(track.df <- LoadTrackFile(
    track.folder = track.folder, format = "bam", norm.method = "RPKM",
    region = "14:21,677,306-21,737,601", bamcoverage.path = "~/anaconda3/bin/bamCoverage",
    extend = 2000, = sample.meta

#> user       system elapsed
#> 1169.767   35.005 1208.704

The elapsed time (unit: seconds) is the time spent from the start to the end of the command.

Parallel normalization

# prepare sample metadata
sample.meta = data.frame(SampleName=c('SRR054616_rep1','SRR054616_rep2','SRR054616_rep3'),
                         Type = c("SRR054616_rep1","SRR054616_rep2","SRR054616_rep3"),
                         Group = c("rep1", "rep2", "rep3"))

# track folder
track.folder = "./test2"

# run with three cores
system.time(track.df <- LoadTrackFile(
  track.folder = track.folder, format = "bam", norm.method = "RPKM",
  region = "14:21,677,306-21,737,601", bamcoverage.path = "~/anaconda3/bin/bamCoverage",
  extend = 2000, = sample.meta, n.cores = 3

#> user       system  elapsed
#> 1191.628   36.818  424.143

Here we can see, the time spent in parallel normalization is nearly one-third that of sequential normalization.

Create coverage

In general, the loading step is the most time-consuming step. With the track dataframe, we can generate coverage plot.

# read the track dataframe
track.df = utils::read.table(file = "~/projects/ggcoverage/ggcoverage_parallel_track.txt", 
                             sep = "\t", header = T)
# create basic coverage plot
# the running time is very small
system.time(basic.coverage <- ggcoverage(data = track.df, color = "auto", 
                                        range.position = "out", show.mark.label = FALSE))
## Warning in geom_coverage(data = data, mapping = mapping, color = color, : The
## color you provided is not as long as Type column in data, select automatically!
##  用户  系统  流逝 
## 0.019 0.000 0.019

The coverage plot: